Wednesday, August 30, 2017

BIRD NEWS:364 and information about migration

Back to the Bewick swan enclosure - and this shot shows both the cygnets along with parents - who have been given names by the staff it seems...

This last swan is not a Bewick swan but a Trumpeter swan. I stopped to take a few pictures before moving onward.

One last shot of the trumpeter swan for now....

...and then another quiz. What do you think is supposed to be in this shot?

Meanwhile, back home, and August has the bird feeder alive with baby sparrows batch 3 of the year.


  1. Interesting that the Bewick swans have unique bill patterns, like fingerprints.

    Quiz answer: I see something under the tree in the water to the right-- looks like somebody's tail feather sticking out of the water.

  2. must just be a feather - lolwhat i was trying t get a shot of was red/blue

  3. Nope, I don't see it. I'm bad at the quizzes.

  4. thats because it went out of shot - lol!
