Friday, September 1, 2017

BIRD NEWS:365 and gold finch info

Well, while taking the last shot that I asked about - this fellow appeared from behind the tree. The actual bird I had attempted to grab a photo of was a kingfisher that had dived into the water then returned to the bushy tree from behind which the heron appeared.

I took a few shots - hoping the kingfisher would appear in one, whilst the heron made it worthwhile to take them anyway - alas, no sign of the red-blue splash of kingfisher. I wandered on a bit further, and came upon a baby moorhen - too cute not to take a picture!

Here we have a blue tit and either a great tit or coal tit sharing the feeder. I then came across a strange bird. It was sitting on the ground behind the wire fence. It looked a bit like a thrush. It may have been a young thrush, or something else.


  1. Looks like I was actually right about a quiz for a change. :D

  2. well you didnt quite guess a heron, but it was actually the kingfisher i tried to takea shot of
