Thursday, September 7, 2017


My last take on the black necked swans for this current trip to Arundel - along with a reminder of some information about them. As I wandered towards the exit, I spotted a pair of pigeons - and so of course I had to take their photo.

There were a few more pigeons at the bird feeder station - but it was mostly jackdaws. One jackdaw has got the hang of getting up to where the seeds come out! It just clung on and pecked away at them.

I wandered on, slowly, towards the cafe and exit. The various varieties of geese, gulls, and ducks were all hanging out together.

I wonder if anyone can identify this duck species? Regular readers gain the clue that it was in the lake next to the cafe/exit.


  1. good guess from the shot - but nope!

  2. well have another go - lol. I got behind posting and now have another load of photos to crop and discuss - and there are some woodducks (Aussie ones) in the new photos, taken yesterday....
