Sunday, September 17, 2017


Here is another shot of the duck - the answer being an eider. It is not very clear in the photos though, as the tell-tale beak is hidden. I briefly took one last circuit before leaving - though I did not stop at the hides or stroll slowly on the last leg - but I took another shot of the Bewick swan family!

I also took a shot of the mystery duck - whether it is a species not listed in my bird books, or one in summer plumage that is not listed in them, I do not know. It was hanging out with the mallards - but male mallards usually look like the females rather than dark with white patches - so I am unsure.

One last shot of the trumpeter swans and I wandered back into Arundel town on my way home. I did stop to take another photo or two though - as I spotted a heron in the fields to the side of the avenue.

On my next trip, I attended the Bognor Country Fair at Hotham Park. I prefer the park empty of stalls and with less people, as I can then hang out with the 'crows' (or rooks?) etc, but I did manage to find some owls on display to take photos of. That was all I took of birds on that outing.


  1. Maybe the mystery duck is an oddball mallard with some kind of mutation in his plumage.

  2. not sure - summer plummage is usually like the female, but....i suppose it might have overmutated/plumed...
