Tuesday, December 13, 2022



There were a half dozen of so of the mallards - all resting in a row on the log that had fallen into the canal.

Next we came upon another group of mallards. These were standing on a fallen log in the canal....almost hidden except for their bright orange legs/feet. Liz thought they looked comical - as if trying to hide but forgetting their bright feet.

Then we spotted a kingfisher and I managed to get a shot or two of it on a branch.

Unlike some of the heron and grebe shots, the sun shone without obscuring the kingfisher.

I took several shots in case I missed....and was lucky. It had been flitting ahead of us several stretches then just as we saw it it flew off over and over - but at this point, I managed to catch it on cam era before it flew away.

We were still on our outward stretch of the hike, before doubling back after our picnic lunch.

We spotted an egret among the gulls....also a couple of crows, and further along a pair of oyster catchers. Not all birds made it to the camera, but here is the egret with a gull. One shot close up and one in normal sized vision from our picnic spot.


  1. That is a fantastic picnic spot. What a view! 🙂

  2. exactly...overlooking the chichester harbor estuary....
