Monday, December 26, 2022



We came back to the original lake on our way back again and this time the swan seemed to be hiding to play peek-a-boo.

I got a better shot of the Egyptian geese/ducks, nibbling the grass as they paraded around the sides of their lake. I tried to get a shot of a wagtail too...but failed.

OUCH!! Someone flew into the window and learned the lesson that glass is hard the hard way!

Meanwhile, Pidge landed on the bird bath - a mere puddle to such a large bird though an ocean to a wren or sparrow. Goldfinches still visit the feeders, as well as sparrow, mixed tits, robin, starling, blackbird...

Pidge - one of the youngsters of this year - has become quite tame and clever.

Not only does he realise that food appears on the windowsill when i am around, but that there is a way to produce it if it isnt there waiting. Here we see an is-there moment, while i was on the laptop in my bedroom.

Here we spot bro in the tree watching....

& then there are 2 pigeons on the sill pecking food!


  1. Wow, that's quite a splotch on the glass-- you'd think birds would know by now.

  2. well new ones get born every year....
