Friday, August 12, 2016


This is a better shot of the woodpecker taken in the woodland hide. I had seen one briefly for a few seconds earlier that day in the open area feeder woodland station, shortly after the squirrel was chased away by a duck. This time, the woodpecker stayed around long enough for me to get some photos, though.

The robin came back again, also. It was not a bit scared of me sitting on the wooden bench, camera in hand, staring through the open windowway. I took note of the fact that ducks and pigeons and blackbirds and doves have something in common illustrated in my next picture. They all stand around UNDERNEATH feeders when other birds are using them and eat the crumbs that the smaller birds drop.

This beautiful duck caught my camera next, as it preened when I passed by. I soon came across a couple more of the same variety. I expect by the time I have attended for my full year of membership, I shall know every species present, but for the time being, I will skip this one ID wise and just call it 'a duck'.

Readers of my last post will be able to identify this swan. (If you missed the link given - HERE is a useful page for identifying swan varieties.)

I am almost at the end of my Arundel Wetlands shots for this third trip of 2016 - but not quite! I caught this pair on a log.


  1. When I first looked at that last picture, I thought it was a little bird sitting on top of a bigger bird.

  2. it does look a little that way where the wings are folded....
