Sunday, August 14, 2016


Another mother with young in tow, this time taking an afternoon snooze. I am now very close to the close of sharing Arundel Wetland reserve photos from my third 2016 visit. I have just a few more shots of information boards to share.

Back home, and the third week of June began with the bird table collapsing. It was tilted over for a week or two, but this time it was completely fallen. I did not bother to prop it back up - but made it into a hedgehog hut and re-used it in that way.

This giant 'weed' attracted the goldfinches. My friend and I were chatting over our regular coffee and she mentioned a feeder and seed for goldfinches that I could have, seeing as they visited my yard and not hers. They used to live in a tall tree that got chopped down next door between tenants, but still sometimes came to my yard, so assumedly have found another nearby nesting tree.

This was how the feeder pole looked prior to my friend's donation. I washed out the feeder, dried it, filled it with niger seeds and grinned hopefully...but I have yet to catch sight of any bird using it other than one sparrow on one occasion - so far.


  1. That's too bad about the bird table. Will you get a new one?

  2. I was not going to - as I have the 4-tub feeder and a windowsill - but n ow the lady next door is claiming my bird food attracts her dogs to break thru the fence....and wants me to site the feeding elsewhere...i dont know. i think the dogs' nose would sniff out bird food anywhere in an adjacent yard and she is probably going to install a hopefully the feeder pole will suffice.

  3. She is trying to place the blame on you for her dog's attack. She can't tell you how to set up your yard and she needs to fix the fence, at the very least.

  4. I have a feeling it will be a long wait.

  5. i think permission takes around 6 weeks...its been 3.

  6. yes finally....i am free to enter my own yard whenever i want SAFELY again.
