Saturday, August 20, 2016


It was the weekend, hence time for another excursion - but not to the Wetlands reserve this week. I took the 700 for a run. I stopped off for 20 minutes in Worthing and then for a 20 minute short coffee grab in Shoreham. I then went on to Brighton where I spent a few hours searching for and purchasing a new camera.

This is so I will have one upstairs and one down and stop missing photo opportunities - also in case my current camera breaks down on me as it has twice threatened. The above shot was taken while wandering along the sea front in Brighton. I have no idea who the leg belongs to, other than a nasty-hearted man - who soon after attempted to kick the pigeon, who trustingly was rambling along when this human decided to enter his pathway and attack it!

While there are no pigeons in this shot, there are no nasty-minded humans either! It shows the mass of seagulls swarming about over the pier.

Next, a little experiment. I purchased a new camera with 20.1 megapixels rather than 12... The first two shots were taken on the new camera and the third on the old. I thought I would take the same bunch of birds on the feeder-poles to compare the cameras...

I am still experimenting with the new camera - but I think I have finally sorted out what setting to use - hopefully. My last pair of shots for today's post are of Pidge - who wondered what the black box was - being so used to the pink one! Pidge came onto the sill and I was still practising with camera settings...


  1. Pidge looks very blue. :D

    There's something wrong with that guy who tried to kick the pigeon. Anybody who would impulsively hurt an animal needs mental health care.

    I love that picture of all the seagulls flocking over the pier.

  2. i think its the sunlight on his grey, but....

    yeah, but pigeons are not popular here - many people dislike them....and not many of us give them right of way!

  3. Same here, especially in the city. People think of pigeons the same as they think of rats.
