Saturday, May 6, 2017


The thrush was soon busy searching for grubs and bugs in the lawns while I sipped my coffee and clicked away. Hotham Park has a large colony of the big black birds - which in some of my pictures appear to be rooks but in other crows. They were in the background as the songthrush worked the lawn for food.

I was trying to work out whether it was rooks or crows, still...the fact that they were in a large group is more prevalent in rooks, but not all crows isolate themselves. Again, while rooks often have groups of nests in trees, crows may also do this. Meanwhile, the thrush had found a worm for lunch.

I took some close up shots of the big black birds - that were not jackdaws or ravens...

Despite some really good close up pictures, I didn't get a 'final decision' made on whether they were rooks or carrion crows though. Apparently, young rooks don't have the white patch on their beaks - and these guys looked like they might get white patches - but... I will side with crows....for now.


  1. That's a pretty cool-looking bird, whatever he is.

  2. there were loads of them.... about 2 dozen!
