Wednesday, May 24, 2017

BIRD NEWS:333 and information on the jay

It seemed to be a struggle to keep up with mother moorhen, for these fluffy chicks. I turned the corner and took a few shots of the harlequin duck - posing for the camera on this occasion - along with the info board.

I got a couple of close ups before moving along - and what should I find but more babies! This time a coot and youngster. Parent coot seemed more interested in eating, though.

Baby coot wanted munchies too - and from the last photo I will share with you today, it looks like mommy coot is about to teach baby coot how to find its own food!

Finally - HERE  is some info about the jay - we have one that sometimes comes to eat peanuts in our yard.


  1. The baby moorhen reminds me of me when I was a kid. My mother was a very fast walker. :D

    I love those pictures of the harlequin duck among all the tiny flowers.

    And the mommy and baby coots are adorable.

  2. definitely some interesting birds at Arundel.
