Tuesday, May 16, 2017


the gosling and the mallard do not seem to know what to make of one another!! Well, The Bewick Swans were gobbling grub below water when I first got around to their new enclosure - the other side of the path to their former pen.

It popped out soon after - but turned away! I did manage to get a couple of better shots of their faces however, before leaving them to stroll onwards - one actually swam up near to me as I was about to leave..

I walked along passing the wildlife garden, where the now familiar goldfinches habitat lies. I took just a couple of shots - as we sometimes have these in our own yard, although not as often as they used to come since the council axed next doors holly tree.


  1. That's nice how the swan came right up to you for a beauty shot.

    Why did the council take down the holly tree? Maybe you could plant one of your own to bring back the goldfinches.

  2. the council took out everything next door when the neighbors changed. i have holly trees, but nowhere near as tall as the old one was. it would take a decade or more to get one that size.
