Sunday, May 21, 2017


I moved along from the swans and walked through the reedbed walkway and found a chaffinch nibbling seed on the stump at the outdoor woodland area.

I did not find much to photograph there or in the woodland hide this trip, but I did spot a family of moorhens very near the hide as I left it. The babies were so cute and fluffy with teeny tiny wings - and I remember last year, in May when I first joined and came regularly, there were baby moorhens around then too.

The young just seemed to waddle-flap their way along after mommy bird, paddling through the muddy bits and splashing thru the waters.

They fluffed up when they swam and looked so tiny....


  1. The baby moorhens are cute. Very hard to spot in the muddy water.

  2. they are easier to see when the photo is screen sized than blog sized! the blog seems to make the pictures go realy small.

  3. It varies. I always open them up in new tabs to get a better look, and sometimes I download them-- sometimes they are small and sometimes they are big.

  4. they are always left big, but every time i put them on the blog they seem to resize them....
