Saturday, December 16, 2017


My next bird trip was - no surprise - to Arundel! Before I went to the WWT reserve, I strolled along the River Arun for a half hour. As I wandered along in the crisp and nippy misted morning, I passed a field of Canada Geese between myself and the castle, so took out my camera.The very first bird I caught a glimpse of at the WWT reserve was a kingfisher!

It was just sitting on the railing that leads to the toilets near the boat jetty. Incidentally, this was the last place where I saw a kingfisher when I last visited Arundel WWT. Maybe it was the same bird. The next couple of pictures show the brighter blue stripe on the back, showing shinily.

Next up, the info board and living specimen - Barrows Goldeneye. Finally for today - another info board. This one talks about the cormorant. I will let regular readers have another question here - did I or did I not see a live cormorant at Arundel on this trip? Answer in my next post!


  1. Wow, I love those misty pictures. Kind of a change of pace. They look very quiet and peaceful.

    I'm going to guess "yes" on the cormorant.

  2. just icy cold morning mists....and you were right!
