Tuesday, December 26, 2017

BIRD NEWS:388 and Christmas

The answer to my last post's question is that it was a mute swan. My next shot was a lucky-to-have-the-camera-handy shot of the jay munching peanuts from the feeder.

There was a recent unfortunate incident among the more pleasant backyard sightings of bluetits, great tits, blackbirds, robins, pigeons...

I was wandering into the kitchen one afternoon and happened to glance out of the window, as I often do. I spotted a black shape by my pond - a furry cat - before I could spot the second MONSTER the other side of the pond, I shot out, as the furry one closest to view was pawing at what I assumed was a frog.

As I approached, both cats stared at me as if to say 'WE are cats - YOU piss off', til I got closer - then they scarpered. I had now found the being they were swiping at to be a pigeon - now sitting on the plants in the center of the pond, petrified and with blood under its wing/on its head.

I succeeded in chasing both furballs out of the yard, but not in scooping up the injured bird to place into a position of safety - directly. It sheltered from the pond net under the bush to one side. Later on, when dashing out to chase those murderers away for the 2nd or 3rd time, the pigeon was up by the poly tunnel - and after following it with the net,  I finally managed to scoop it onto the rim and lift it up onto the apple tree - where it climbed safely from the net into the ivy covered branches.

I do not know if it lived or died - but I am hoping it survived, as it looked in tact, just scared and feather-ripped apart from the head gash. I have now started to look out for those bullies and chase the fur balls OUT of my yard everytime I spot them - I won't tolerate such behaviour from pe(s)ts....only wildlife seeking a meal has the right toi kill in MY garden.

Here are links to articles about woodpecker species:

Finally - if you have Christmas leftovers - check HERE.


  1. Aw, the poor pigeon. I hope he survived. At least you saved him and gave him a chance. It's too bad that there's no way to control what animals come into the yard.

  2. yes, unfortunately other peopls pets seem to wander in whenever they fancy - i have trying shooing them out, sprinkling chili powder, and throwing water, but...
