Sunday, February 9, 2020


A group of redbreasted geese starts today's photographs from Arundel WWT. Here are a pair of Pochards enjoying the same pond.

Next, I aimed my camera thru the slats of the wire fence to take a shot of some scoters resting on their rocks in the diving duck exhibit - and I think there was a merganzer with them - but am not entirely sure which type.

I spotted a soggy bird sunning itself as best it could on the side of the path as I made my progression around the reserve, in clockwise manner on this occasion - a rather drenched and sorry for itself male pheasant.

Another shot of the Bewick duo as I left that area for the next stretch of path. From swan to swan - bewick to trumpeter - my final shot of this post is one of the trumpeter duo.


  1. More award-worthy shots. Are you practicing for the contest? :D

  2. i just like taking piccies. now maybe if i got the right shot of a swan or pigeon......
