Friday, February 14, 2020


Mrs and Mr Trumpeter preening was my next photographs' subject. Meanwhile, at the approach to the sandmartin hide, a pair of mallards had decided to rest. It was shelducks on view from inside the hide. One flew at another, shooing him away - so possibly they are begining to think about mating and breeding - unless they are a formed pair just wintering it out.

The trumpeter duo were still busy preening as I passed by again, leaving the hide and about to walk along towards the wildflower hut towards the reed area.

I next attempted to catch a picture of an elusive firecrest that had been spotted dashing about the dense bushes on the edge of the wildflower garden - however, I dont think you want to see a brown splodge amongst brambles, so won't share my disaster shots. Instead, have an infoboard about the kingfisher!

I passed by the trumpeters yet again as I left the area - still preening!


  1. I like the shot of the mallards on the road. I wonder what all those holes in the wall are.

  2. sandmartins nest in such paces - so it shows whats the other side of the hide
