Friday, February 14, 2020


A really good shot of the Trumpeter duo at Arundel WWT starts today's post. As I mentioned in a previous post, the weather on February first 2020 was delightful for photograhy, allowing for some delicious lighting options. However, this mallard turned just at the wrong moment and I lost the brightness aspect of its head in myshot!

Another good photography moment in the above shot. A coot swam past...

Harlequin ducks and black-necked grebes followed - with an infoboard on the grebes. Here is the latest shot of the scaly-sided merganzers also located in the waterfall area.

My final shot for today's post is of the black necked swans - along with black backed radjah shelducks, canada geese, nenes, a seagull or two and a bunch of sunbathing pigeons...


  1. The Trumpeters in front of the tree and the duck among the reeds are definitely possibilities for the contest. :D
