Sunday, February 16, 2020


This bright bird was next up for a 'lil pink box' appearance. I was unsure if it was an Egyptian goose or African shelduck though - and on trying to figure it out via ID guides discovered it was neither. This Nene wanted the meal so much, it stuck its neck through the fence to eat lunch.

Ahhhhh, how pleasant - a tree filled with pigeons!! More pigeons greeted me when I stuck my head - and camera - over the fence below.

Across the other side of the walkway - more pigeons, sunbathing with the Nenes. More pigeons adorned the tree....

This is why the cafe-side lake is no longer filled with eider, whistling duck, gulls, Philipine ducks, Aussie woodducks - and pigeons. I miss the eider and woodducks but am curious as to what the new exhibit will be like. Currently it is nowhere near finished - but resembles a swamp being drained or forrest being cut down.


  1. Dalmatian Pelicans sound interesting. The trees full of pigeons are definitely nice.

  2. well maybe - but i will miss the birds they already had.

  3. That's true. It's too bad they can't have them all.
