Friday, June 30, 2023


Still at Wakehurst, Liz and I arrived at one of the 2 bird-feeding lookouts. Nuthatches and tits were in abundance.

Liz had brought some of the spare seed we had put aside, but there were already piles of seed and berry-suet pellets put out, with another watcher putting out more suet.

Here is evidence that nuthatches enjoy berry infested suet pellets. The bluetits, great tits, coal tits and marsh tits also enjoyed these. The chaffinches and pheasants preferred seed though.

As we wandered around on what was mostly a bluebell spotting expedition, I saw a wooden turkey.

Back home, and I looked out my bedroom window into what is left of the expensive to deal with pittisporum. There was pidge!

...and Ditty!

Next, Liz and I took Muku to WWT Arundel. I didnt have my camera, but did try to compensate with my work phone.... Here she is seeing the trumpeter swans....who no longer seem interested in their nest.


  1. Those are great pictures of Pidge and Ditty. I wonder why Trumpeter swans have lost interest in their nest.

  2. theyre still young - they havent had a brood yet... sill practising....maybe next year theyll build then use one
