Friday, February 6, 2015


Starting where I left off in my last post, here is another shot of the doves outside the visitors center at Pulborough Brooks.

As you can see by comparison to the second photo, they look very similar to our snow-white show pigeons from Wollongong - but there are a few small differences such as posture. The chaffinch that snuck into my first picture - snuck in again. I took another shot of the doves, and guess who popped into the shot - again.

I took just a couple more photos in this area before we left, one of a moorhen pecking away for lunch in the grasses - and guess who decided to also dine and show up in my photograph!


  1. That chaffinch is quite a showoff. :D I love that closeup of the dove. Where is he sitting in that picture? Some kind of bird shelter?

  2. That was one of my show pigeons - they used to use our back door as a perch when it was open back in Wollongong - as well as come indoors.
