Saturday, February 7, 2015

BIRD NEWS:5 & Lama Zopa Rinpoche advice

In my next photograph, I attempted to get a blue-tit munching on a seed feeder as well as the doves below - and accidentally photographed a great tit looking on, while the doves danced below. Additionally, I caught a second blue-tit on a suet block and our old friend the cheeky chaffinch...

Pulborough Brooks seems to be an ideal place to accidentally capture bird photos, even in the middle of winter.

Back home, during the middle two weeks of January, I took a few attempt-pictures in the back yard. The first shows our resident robin, Mr Bob standing on the bird bath - just. Alas, the second - an attempted shot of the thinner of our two thrushes - failed entirely - skinny thrush dived out of sight seconds too soon.

A day or so later, I just managed to catch a mis-shot of Magster the magpie about to go inside the bird table to munch his lunch. The weather has continued to be predominantly wet and windy, with some brief sunny and still interludes as January continues. As we began the third week, I made a 700-run - AKA 'pigeon and parrot' photo time.

But first, a day or so before my trip, I managed to get a couple of shots of Pidge dozing on the tree contentedly after munching seed on my windowsill - while I lazed on my bed. I particularly like the second shot, myself.

Then, onto my latest January 700-run excursion. The weather was iffy and varied from sunny bursts to heavy dark clouds, from rain shower to a short hail shower at one bus stop. My first photo from this trip shows a seagull who was watching me as I sat one shelter along from my normal haunt awaiting the pigeon gang.
HERE is some advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche about birds....


  1. Those are nice shots of Pidge, but the second one is definitely better-- no leaves in the way.

    I like the picture of the seagull. He looks like he's staring wistfully out to sea. :)

  2. Pidge was dozing in the tree when i woke up from my nap today - just like in these pictures! well...the seagull was facing the pier...
