Friday, February 13, 2015


For the remainder of my trip, Bluey and Naboo decided to play hidey on me. Each time I clicked, there were bars in the way or blurs of quick activity. I did my best to get a decent shot of each bird, but...

Bluey hid and Naboo hid. Then Naboo peeped out, but only showed his face...

...while Bluey stuck his head behind a bar to hide. Naboo then danced sideways, and then peeped between his 2 hide-outs - bed bag and the cage. Back home, the rest of the weekend was wet.

It was the annual RSPB birdwatch, and for the 3rd time in this country, I participated. I had done a similar garden-watch and bird-count in Australia, but they did not have a set date and you could send in multiple 20 minute or one hour watches throughout the year.

This year, I spotted: one jackdaw, 5 sparrows, one dunnock, 4 blackbirds, one magpie, 2 wood pigeons, 3 starlings and one robin. This may sound like plenty for one hour of observation - but I was disappointed that our thrushes, doves, blue-tits, and more of the starling did not show up.


  1. They love playing peek-a-boo. :D I love the second and third pictures. He seems very mischievous. :D

  2. I took a couple of videos yesterday and got some more good shots that I have just cropped ready for the blog. Naboo comes out better in video format, as he moves so fast and so often. I got an even cheekier shot of him 'hiding' too.
