Saturday, February 21, 2015


My next two snaps are of Mr Bob the cheeky robin. Here he is sitting on the washing line. Earlier on, I spotted Mr Bob on the tree outside my window and went over and placed some seed and suet pellets on the sill. Mr Bob is finally getting used to me - and was so starved - he shot over and snatched a pellet and flew back to the tree before I had shut and left the window.

There are only 3 birds who trust me that much in this country, though I was well trusted in Wollongong. Here, Mr Black, Mr Bob and Curio will risk flying close to me. Curio actually seems the tamest - she won't even fly away if I am in the garden hanging out laundry.

There is Plate-face again, in the bird table this time. But only moments later, Mr Bob had flown in as she flew out. 'Where are the pigeons?' any regular readers who have re-found my blog may be asking... 

Well, here is Pidge... sheltering from a few gusts of wild wind in the last couple of days of January.


  1. It bothers me to think of them being so starved. It's a good thing these birds have you to put food out for them.

  2. its more a case of worrying about becoming starved than actually being starved - the cold weather makes them stuff anything they can fiund in case there isnt any later. always plenty here though - alwas a chunk of homemade bread or pastry lying about and seed...

  3. They're smart. It's always a good idea to put something away for a snowy day. :D
