Friday, February 27, 2015


While gazing out towards the pier, awaiting the beach birds I was familiar with, a dark shape loomed on the pebbled horizon...
...Moments later, it revealed itself as one of those black birds I am not good at identifying - rook, raven, crow...?

A little later, my friends arrived after swirling about in the air a little. They did not come close at first, despite the fact I was seated and waving a plastic bag of goodies at them - so I finally walked over the ridge to alert them to the fact that 'food-provider' was there again.
That gradually made contact with their brains and they one by one made their slow way towards me - and the food - after several distractions.


  1. It's easy to tell crows, rooks, and ravens apart: Crows play the guitar, rooks only move in a straight line up and down, and ravens say, "Nevermore." :D

  2. whick is it in the picture, hmm?
