Friday, March 20, 2015


Curio took a break from collecting material for her next nest, and had a drink.

As I write, it is now the final week of February, 2015. I have not been doing much, apart from shopping and work, due to having had a cold over the weekend. Having a fairly lazy Tuesday of semi-recuperation, I happened to look out of the window - then hasten to grab my camera. A group of starling had clung to a tall stick at the top of a neighbor's tree and the shape resembled a half-dead giant bird in silhouette. I grabbed the camera - and shot.

Here is a shot of Mr Bob, taken during the first week of March. This week is the start of spring in some eyes, including my own, and actually the weather was sunnier, if only a degree or two warmer. Indeed, the birds - as well as frogs - have been in spring mode for a week or so now.

Curio is often seen with a beakfull of dried grass hovering about the yard - then diving into the tree between our yard and next doors'. While I have seen no nesting activity for the robins, Mr Bob has been hanging around and peeping in the window at me from time to time whilst ever hungry.

Our doves and pigeons have been 'selecting trees' half-heartedly.


  1. When I loaded the page, the words "half-dead giant bird" jumped out at me. :o I'm glad it was just an optical illusion. Funny how they're all in a bunch like that.

    Is that Mr. Bob standing on the top of the pole? That's a cute shot. :D

  2. Yes, a half dead giant bird ight have been newsworthy - but not very happy news. Yeah, Mr Bob hunting for food and taking a nosy peek in the window at me.... windows work two ways!
