Tuesday, March 3, 2015

BIRD NEWS:13 & crows...

The skies were darkening with another shower approaching, not long after the light shower had stopped and I had arrived in Worthing. The beach gang were making the most of Valentine's Day...
...shall we take a closer look at this pigeon romance...?

Eventually they decided it was too cold for that sort of thing and got on with food-hunting again. In flew the funny-colored one to complete the group. he seemed to remember I meant FOOD.

However, I did not get any shots of my friends eating the food I had brought for them. Just ten minutes before the bus left to take me on to my coffee-meet with friends in Lancing, they approached closer...

...but not quite close enough to the food itself. I had tossed a couple of lumps of baked disaster (failed fried rava dosai that I made into a loaf to save it from the bin) down along with wild bird seed. Alas, they had missed the food this time - hopefully they found it after I left them to the beach and went onwards with my journey.

Now HERE is the link to an article about someone else who feeds birds - and gets gifts for her trouble. it says crows - but I spot pigeons and a squirrel in there too....


  1. Aw, bird romance is cute. I guess those pictures would be disqualified from Emma's contest. :D

    That's a great picture of the light-colored bird.

  2. They might just be, lol. Yeah that off-color pigeon is one of the beach gang that usually hangs out there, so I know if i spot it the gang's around.

  3. Wow, that's an amazing story about the little girl and the crows. It just goes to show how intelligent birds really are.

  4. Agreed - the birds in Australia were like that - they could sense who to trust and would come into our house with us. But British birds do not seem to have that sense as much - or not the local ones. It is great to read stories of other bird-human friendships.
