Tuesday, June 9, 2015

BIRD NEWS:45 & a happy story

It was now the final week in May, and I spotted Mr Black in my tree - staring up with anxiety at the jackdaw on the chimney above him. After the danger had departed, Mr Black looked at me - the one thing on his mind now being FOOD PLEASE!

Starlet, one of the new generation of starlings, decided to come pay me a visit on the sill. Bubster-Pidge arrived shortly after and was not quite sure what to make of Starlet - but luckily they seemed to get along and shared the seed.

Starlet was then curious about inside my room - as soon as the pigeon was known to be safe and some food gobbled. Hmmm.... what was that great big moving thing in there that tipped food out from time to time...

In other news from the yard, we now have a young robin. It is soft sandy brown and fluffy at the moment - but you can tell by its face it is a robin. I also know this as in previous years such birds have grown red chests after a while.

This takes us to the final weekend in May. I did a second 700-run this month and this time managed to capture both pigeons and the pair of Bluey and Naboo, thankfully before my dying camera batteries died.

A happy story - click HERE.


  1. That story about the brave goose had a happy ending, but what a terrible thing to do to an animal. It's amazing how she risked her life to save her eggs. You should write that goose up for Scotty's Heroes Blog.

  2. Awwww, I don't know...true it is a hero, but...I could probabaly only manage 1-2 paragraphs. Might have to find another bird hero or two to make a full blog post...

  3. That's a good idea. Collect a few stories and then write them up. :)
