Sunday, June 14, 2015


Bluey then began to dash about a bit and made it difficult to take a picture in the way Naboo generally does. When he settled down, I got a much better shot of him however - prior to his blurred second photo opportunity.

Naboo peered out semi jealous of the attention Bluey was getting and semi 'camera-shy' acting, from between his grapes and cigarette-box chew-toy. This box got nibbled and chewed throughout my coffee visit and even came out of the cage wall at one point. I did not manage to get another decent shot at this point, as Naboo was soon up to his 'I do NOT want my picture taken with a shiny pink box' routine.

Before departure, I snuck my camera out again. This time Naboo was zzing in his blanket-bed. This is the ideal time to catch a good shot of him, as he is often too lazy to budge - even if there is a camera lurking around. He took a look then turned away to scratch his head.

Bluey as you can see was up to his dash-about the cage antics again, though.


  1. You got a couple of really good shots of both of them this time. I've never seen a bird sleep in a chair or bed like that before. He thinks he's a person. :D
