Thursday, January 7, 2016

BIRD NEWS:104 and a colorful bird video

As promised, the swans continued to pass by....but I have news to share from my home yard before continuing with the Arundel birdlife. I mentioned several posts ago about the next door neighbor passing away and the council gutting the yard. I also shared a few photos of what became of the fence the other side and the shed/bird equipment.

On my return from Arundel, it was too dark to see the damage done, but I knew the council had been back to do the fence down my side whilst I was out, as I had seen and heard them begin before I left home. Putting the kitchen light on to make coffee at 6am, I could see bare fence a little way along, so I knew it would not be good news.

Here are the 'before' and 'after' shots of the shared fence - before being sparrow nesting habitat and after being bare wire fence...

...not a pleasant experience for myself or the multiple yard birds. I hope they do not think that any more damage to their home will occur MY side! I put out sultanas for them to make up for those official humans causing damage to their habitat.

Let us now get back to happier matters - and those swans, trailing along after parent swan serenely!

Check HERE for a colorful video!


  1. Those sure are colorful birds in that video.

    Did the council actually take down the bushes on your side of the fence? They shouldn't be able to do that.

  2. no they were next doors bushes growing THRU and OVER - so when the roots/bush was pulled out, all the branches/twigs went too - that was what was our side.

  3. I guess you'll have to plant some bushes on your side so that they can't touch them. :(

  4. already begun - not sure if theyll take when planted in winter, but ill pop more in in spring if the cuttuings dont root.
