Sunday, January 24, 2016


This shot is what was left of the holly tree after the councilmen chopped out 2/3s. It was once a large majestic tree full of berries that fieldfares and redwings munched in bitter winters. It used to be mingling with brambles and elder tree - alas, no more. Gone is Ditty's old home.

Gone also is this poor pigeon. I had the front door open and my son was coming back from going out and mentioned a pigeon as he entered the house. I went to investigate and spotted this sad sight. Alas, it was stone cold and still - dead. Nothing I could do to help or save it - so I blessed it with the Medicine Buddha mantra and popped it in the undergrowth in the back yard.

Ditty was wondering if there was any suet or seed going for her family... So much destruction of known territory that had remained the same for years. Of course, seeds and suet were offered as usual!

I will close today's miserable post with another piece of sadness - this is the final shot of the former holly tree shown in the first picture. They came back and chopped down the last trunk. No berries for our winter visitors if they arrive soon, this year. They still did not stop - gone are all the trees along the back fence, too. I am wondering if tomorrow they will take out the last remaining tree - the conifer at the far corner of our adjoining yards - thankfully the one to the right is planted the other side, I think!


  1. They chopped down all the trees? Wow, I wonder if they're just planning to pave it all over. :(

    I'm sorry about the dead bird. I wonder what happened to it.

  2. Every single one. I dont know what the new neighbors plan is - but they do have a big dog, so....I should hope it won't be paved over. Some birds die of old age, some of cats, collisions with cars/windows, telling really.
