Saturday, January 9, 2016

BIRD NEWS:105 & links

The swans continued to flow and float along gracefully - as did the duck that had joined them instead of hanging with its own kind. I got a few close up shots as some of the 'elderly cygnets' passed by...

... and of the duck.

Whether they were slow or I was fast, I do not know, but they seemed to give me ample opportunity for picture-taking as the gang traveled towards the lake I had left.

I headed on past the last and made my way back towards town. Unlike last year, I did not get any photos of the 'big black birds' in town, primarily because the trees they had previously hung out in/around had been clipped. However, this is not the last of the feathered activity on my Arundel trip!

HERE is a link to an article about a rare bird.

& HERE is a link to more information about this bird.