Saturday, January 30, 2016


Munch, munch, munch - the starlings were still eating those suet balls as December's second weekend arrived. Just one day after that last photo, you can see how far the suet balls have gone down due to starling happiness!

You can also see how the dropped peckings on the ground are being used by starlings who cannot find room for themselves up top!!!!

December continued, and here is Ditty landed upon the bird table, about to investigate the latest offerings.

As you can see, Beatie has found the bird feeder pole. Here she is tucking into the highest of the two peanut feeders to enjoy a snack.


  1. That new bird feeder pole is wonderful You'll have lots of photo opportunities there. And the birds will still have somewhere to go.

  2. Yes, I have tons more pictures to share of the new feeder pole. Ditty was sitting up top yesterday. its nice to look out the kitchen window and see such a lot of activity, too.

  3. Maybe it will make an impression on the new neighbors.

  4. I think they have figured out that i am a bird lover...with the 2 bird baths, bird table, feeder pole AND bird house, lol!
