Thursday, February 4, 2016


Turning back to the bird table from the feeder pole, here is Chackie munching away at a slab of bread-cake-whatever it is. (I make it sort of bread like, but it has fruit and nuts and seeds in too...)

Regular readers may recall having read of the garden wipeout next door. The pigeons - three of them - took advantage of the clearing to peck about in the junk remaining in the back.

Meanwhile, back here at home, the starlings were at the suet again. I mentioned in my last post that I had gone on at least one long distance trip. After taking a gold all day rider ticket on the 700 bus to shop in Brighton, I came back via Shoreham where I stopped off to have a coffee and take some photos. Here is the first of a gull in flight against the overcast skies.

Simply sitting on a bench in the small park area adjacent to the bridge/street, I saw numerous birds. It is a pleasant place to have a cuppa, and much better than being stuck inside a cafe. There was nothing going on this week, so I had the parklet to myself - well, to myself and the birdlife.


  1. Those pigeons are probably wondering what caused the devastation.

    That's a great picture of the bird feeder. Lots of customers. :D

  2. or wht else will be destroyed.... thankfully 3/4 the yard cover remains!

  3. Have you talked to the new neighbors about what they plan to do with the yard?

  4. No, we have only had introductions so far...but they have a shed and compost bin and can kind figure it out.
