Thursday, February 18, 2016


One moment, there were a trio of wood pigeons, a blackbird, and a jackdaw - the next, one pigeon with 3 doves... That is how varied and popular the feeder pole has become. I only have to dip my head towards my cooking - to stir the saucepan contents or check the progress of something roasting in the stove, and the birds have changed.

I did not get photos on the above occasion, but as January arrived in its first week, I did get a few shots of the three wood pigeons hanging out together eating crumbs the smaller birds such as the messy starlings had let fall. Alas, our almost-resident wind made for my now regular blurry shots on the first couple of pictures.

January 2016 seems much the same as the last year temperature wise - warmer than usual for a British winter, but throwing out the odd day of extra chilly weather to cause chilblains for humans and hunger for birds.

One incident worthy of note from the month is when I was busy sipping a glass of ginger wine and computing and heard a fluttery bumping noise. I thought a bird was trying to get in the window at first - but then realized it was inside and was trying to get out again. Beatie had flown through the open window and was attempting escape...


  1. Well, I guess that answers the question of what happens when you leave the window open. :D

  2. but i didnt.... it was only the top window that is always left open, lol. if i had left a side window open, Beatie could have flown out easily.
