Saturday, September 10, 2016


No, this is not a photo of a cloud with a speck of dust in view. It is a photo of a buzzard flying too far away to get a decent shot - despite zoom and mass megapixels. Ducks in the ducks only gated field I approve of....

Those 2 trees are reportedly the hang out of both the buzzards and peregrines....and it looks like 'a bird' of some sort on one branch... But here is a bird that is easier to identify as it swims close to an info board about itself....a Bewick swan!

As there were not many unusual birds thru the hide windows, I spent one photo on the bust of Peter Scott - LINK - whom is associated with the various wetlands reserves. INFO 

Next, after info links, a bit of fun - a quiz! Which of the 4 birds described on plaques are sand martins....? The answer will be in my NEXT blog post, so people cannot cheat!!!!
Finally for today -  LINK -
''It is like the flocks of wild geese that travel together from the north to the south in huge numbers. If one bird goes off on its own, it will be easily caught, but if they stay together, they are much safer. Near Plum Village there are hunters who use a bird cry to lure the geese down. If a wild goose leaves the flock and comes down alone, he will easily be shot by the hunters. ''


  1. It's hard to read the descriptions, but I'm going to guess the first one.

    That picture of the swan where you can see his reflection is beautiful.

  2. the next post will reveal if you are right or wrong.....
