Friday, September 30, 2016


This shot shows the view just before the cafe area - though on this occasion I did not bother to stop for refreshments as it was raining and I did not fancy sitting indoors - even if there was a lake outside the windows. These birds were not the subject of the photo though - but appeared in the top half. In the lower segment of my picture I photographed the star of the show - a pigeon!

Not so long ago, on my last trip, this fellow was up on the cafe roof, and a trip or two before that I got a shot of him wandering the path...but here it is napping in the drizzly shower!

Next up, we skip forward to September 2016 and here is a visitor to my windowsill. Hello Ditty! Hmm, looks like Ditty is more interested in the seeds than camera for a while...

Ditty did rest and peer in after munching her meal, though.

The next door neighbors put up a large 6 foot wooden fence yesterday, the first Saturday of the new month and I was wondering how the birds would react. I am glad to say the starlings and sparrows have already accepted it is there and gotten on with their tasks of demolishing the stock in the feeder pole!


  1. I'm glad that fence finally went up and your backyard is safe again.

    I think Ditty has her eye on the Green Ginger Wine. :D

  2. well its all gone and the bottle is filled with soil and a chili seedling now!!!!
