Sunday, September 4, 2016


Next up, a few shots taken of the bird bath and feeder in the back yard. These were taken to show the busy activity of the starling and sparrow community one day. Much activity was occurring both on the feeder and the bath - and the interactions between the two species were comical to observe, especially as several of the birds were young.

It had all calmed down later on, however. Only one bird was spotted, resting solo on top of the feeder where the scene of the mad rush had been played out earlier.

Where is this roof of pigeons, you may be wondering... Well this takes you to my next excursion. I spent a Sunday early in July at Shoreham, attending a chili festival, mainly. I took a look to see if the toilet row birds were in situ up behind the wire, but they were all on a nearby roof instead!


  1. Were the starlings and sparrows arguing over who owns the feeder?

    I love that picture in the middle with all the green and the silhouette of the bird right in the very center.

  2. they all wanted the best food first, lol. Agreed, that one came out well!
