Tuesday, January 24, 2017


On my second circle, I specifically looked out for story boards concerning the 12 days of Christmas song. Just before passing a pair of pigeons, I spotted another board.

Apart from the missing number 2, I caught all boards on camera. The toads did not come out well however, due to being too frosty to read properly. Other than the story boards that regularly change, a look out board also had a new information topic - waxwings. This is a bird I have yet to see.

Back to the story boards. I found the information about the carol quite informative - I had not known that there were so many versions of the carol or that the version I knew was so connected to birds.

Ahhhh, a pigeon connection! I already knew that doves and pigeons regurgitate food in the form of milk to feed their young, as my son had informed me of this many years ago when we lived in Wollongong and had young pigeons living on the roof and next door nesting. My last photo for the post may not be easy to recognize - it is a close up shot of a female blackbird hunting in the wood chips below the pigeon signboard.


  1. I didn't know there were different versions of the song either. I'll have to research that.

    Woodpeckers drumming is certainly appropriate.

  2. agreed... check all the boards i have pictures of - should be 11 of the 12....they might offer some clues as to the other versions...
