Friday, January 27, 2017


My second round of the reserve gave me a better chance to capture the trumpeter swan family on my camera. I was mainly going round a second time as I was hoping to find the rest of the info boards - but also not wanting another coffee quite yet.

Well there is the first board as I re-entered the cafe for my second cuppa - but where board 2 is I haven't a clue. While sipping my Americano, I got some more photographs taken - as evidence by this pair of eider duck males and the one female.

I also got a couple of shots of the smew - which may not be a regular in my posts as I haven't got any good photos previously. But here one is to show that they are there at Arundel!


  1. I never heard of a smew before. I wonder if that's where Al Capp got the idea for the Shmoo. They look kind of similar.

    Those are beautiful pictures of the swans.

  2. Havent a clue what AC and Shmoo are....but have seen a smew!

  3. The Shmoo was a creature in a comic strip called "L'il Abner," by Al Capp.
