Monday, January 2, 2017


Before answering the question relating to the identification of the bird in the last post, here is a third blue tit who did not want its photograph taken! Below is another shot of the mystery bird, along with a male and female mallard and a wood pigeon.

The answer being a water rail, as shown in the info board above. It disappeared into this area - but I can only spot the duck...

The above shot is a wood pigeon in the woods - these days they are more commonly found in gardens, but they do still frequent woodland areas as well. Next up, the black-necked swan family gliding about a lake.

One of this group of geese I passed next on my rambles decided to eat the fence. It apparently found it quite tasty.


  1. Well, it looks delicious. :D

    I wonder how many species of birds live in Arundel all together.

  2. not sure - because there are the lake birds as well as the wetlanmds reserve birds -also the town buirds and the rooks or ravens around the castle - and its sited in the countryside, so quite a few wild birds....

  3. There's probably no way to know. :D
