Friday, February 17, 2017

BIRD NEWS:292 & coal tits

I took one last picture of the bluetit too, before moving to the woodland hide. On the last couple of visits, I have spotted the water rail and a pheasant family, and I was wondering if they would make an appearance on this trip also. On arrival, however, I spotted a pair of doves and a black and white duck!

Doves are woodland birds, but I had not spotted them in the woodland hide before. I often spend a longer time at this hide than others, as not only are there more birds in situ, but more variety also. On this occasion, it was not long before other birds arrived on the scene.

Here came either the female or juvenile pheasant, for example. I am not sure which is grey and which brown, but it is one of the two. Soon, the entire family arrived.

No, that was not the total of bird species spotted on this trip - far from it. I remained in situ for around a half hour on this occasion and plenty more appeared - such as this male mallard and moorhen.

HERE is some info about coal tits - seen regularly at Arundel.


  1. Wow, the members of the pheasant family are all very different.

  2. you can definitely tell the male and female apart - i have yet to remember the juvenile and female - whcih is which - have to look it up each time i see them.
