Sunday, February 26, 2017


I did finally manage to get a shot of Naboo's face as his dashing about to avoid the detested camera I held was paused for long enough to nibble a seed.

Bluey was quite happy to have his photo taken while I waited for Naboo to slow down, as he generally does, eventually.

Another seed-dive out of shot and hide-behind-the-cage attempt were next up from Naboo. Bluey's this-visit trick was to perch as seen in the next shot, but turn his head upside down to look at the ceiling. Alas, each time I aimed to take a photo, he turned his head back to usual position. He also did a lot of yawning this time - but once again, not while the camera was aimed at him.

Finally - a decent Naboo shot! Well - had he not got a bar across his face! Meanwhile, I glanced out of the window and what should I see but a white show-pigeon! Of course, my camera had to take a shot of that! It was then almost time to leave Lancing and move on to the next stage of my excursion.


  1. You should try to take some videos of Bluey and Naboo. There seems to be a lot of action going on. :D

  2. i have once taken a video of them... might not see them for a time though - the owner's mom just passed away...

  3. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences. :(

  4. I might now actually be going soon - just need to check with Liz about Betty duty times for the weekend!
