Saturday, February 25, 2017


Patience paid off and pigeons were spotted around ten minutes before it was time to make my way towards the bus stop to catch my bus out of Worthing.

Long time readers may recall that usually, when timing a trip from Worthing, it means I call in upon a pair of feathered pals in Lancing. Yes, this was my purpose for waiting for a specific bus once again. It has been a while, almost a year perhaps, since my last visit due to not being able to tell more than 1 day ahead whether or not I would be free - so usually unable to arrange to call in in advance. Finally, I had advance warning and was able to plan a visit.

Bluey remembered me - that 'featherless human with the pink box that sits and stares' at him was visiting again. Naboo also recalled me, and after several screeches of delight at having a visitor to entertain, played his usual trick of 'hide from the camera', firstly by sorting stuff on the base of his cage...

...then by hiding behind the cage bars...then by diving into the seed tray just as I was about to snap a shot - typical.


  1. It's nice to see Bluey and Naboo again, and that they're doing well. It really has been a long time.
