Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Next, here are a few pictures taken in late February of a pair of sparrows that came to munch seeds on the sill. One had a punk hairdo - well, feathers that stuck up a little. The other just sat and ate after joining its punk friend who came along first.

Next up we come to the photos that I took during the first week of March 2016. The first few days, up until the weekend, were quiet birdfull in the yard. A blackbird here and a pigeon there. Then, along came Ditty and partner...

In other sightings, the wren has been spotted darting about the bushes near the pond and on the rose arch and several birds are already beginning to build nests. The blackbirds are at it, the wrens are at it, and during the first weekend of that new month I also spotted sparrows at it.

Talking of the first weekend of March - I got a rather good shot of a new dove visiting the tree shortly before taking a 700-run excursion.


  1. That's a great shot of the new dove. Have you given it a name yet?

    That Punk bird is pretty cute. :D

  2. I am just called it Ditty after the original one who moved out...
    Yes, its a female sparrow....
