Friday, April 15, 2016


I never did find out what happened to this little fellow. I did notice him sitting on the ground under the feeders and not seeming to wish to move, though. The starlings dropped crumbs on top of him, and he just shook the crumbs off, or tried to munch a few. I am uncertain if it was a too-young nest leaver, a sick adult, or been attacked/bumped into a window. It was there for around 30-40 minutes - but when I left the room and returned 10-20 minutes later was gone.

Next up, we have arrived in mid-March 2016 and here are two shots of Beatie the blue-tit. Neither are very clear, but she was quite active in the tree for some time. Also in the tree a lot recently, has been Ditty - who may actually have moved in to next in the tree as well as Mr Black and Curio who have a nest somewhere in the pittisporum or laurel trees.

As you can see in these next couple of shots, Ditty has been collecting nesting material. I have seen her fly into those trees at least 3 times with it, so am hopeful the doves have moved from next doors' holly tree that was cut down to just a stump to my trees.

Talking of Beatie, I have noticed activity at the nesting box twice this past week. On the first occasion, a blue-tit flew nearby, then perched on the hole, then flew in - each thing 2-3 times. I had my hopes up - but saw no more activity until 3 days later when a blue-tit did much the same. I hope one of them will choose the new box as their home.


  1. I wonder what happened to that bird that wouldn't eat. He reminds me of that other bird that died, but this one seems to have recovered. Unless an animal got him and took him away. I hope nobody is poisoning birds or something.

  2. No, there would be more sick birds if that were the case. It may have just coillided with the window and become stunned....or been daydreaming after filling its belly....
