Saturday, April 16, 2016

BIRD NEWS:141 & baby pies

Finally, the wren turned up while I had my camera handy! Here she is pecking about below the bird feeders - both munching crumbs or grubs of some description and also selecting nesting material. As you can see, she did not take much notice of Mr Black strolling by on a worm hunt...

March continued into the second half and much activity is going on in our yard. Multiple birds are nesting and flurrying about grabbing everything they can find for these nests. In the pittisporum and laurel trees outside my bedroom window, we have a pair of doves and a pair of blackbirds nesting - hopefully.

Here we see a pair of doves trying to share the windowsill peckings with a pigeon. They were not too certain as to whether both would fit on the sill as well as the pigeon, but kept trying to eat seed also. One decided eventually to just sit in the tree and watch.

Finally for today, HERE is a video of some baby Australian black backed magpies at play.


  1. Sounds like nesting season is in full swing.

    That is a great video. I've never seen a bird playing around like that. The second bird seems quite confused by the first bird's antics. :D

  2. Lol baby pies are quite entertaining - thats why i shared the video when i found it at FB. We used to have baby pies in our former home...and their antics were also amusing!!
