Sunday, April 24, 2016


Here is the last shot of the pair of wagtails spotted on my way home from the late March 700-run. It is now time to catch up on life back home, as March turned into April.

In the tree outside my bedroom window, Ditty and partner have been busy nest-building, as have Mr Black and Curio. Around the yard, the wrens, starlings, sparrows, robins, and blue-tits have all been fairly active, while I have seen and heard little of the magpie, sparrowhawk, black caps, thrush and gold finches that sometimes visit. The wood pigeons of course are often around...

Yes, this year we have a pair of jackdaws nesting in the chimney again, too - and my next few photographs show them busy eating fallen crumbs underneath the bird feeder. In addition to this, they often perch on top of it, then fly into the table to fly away with a chunk of homemade bread.


  1. Nice pictures of the jackdaws. I wonder where the sparrowhawks, black caps, thrushes, and gold finches are hiding.

  2. they will probably all be back, seasonally...
