Sunday, April 10, 2016


I hasten to inform that not all the budgies were paired up - some were flying around in groups or singly. I just seem to have taken more shots of the pairs...

Here you can see a large supply of cuttlefish hanging up for them to use. In fact the aviary/cage was fairly well equipped with perches, water, the wheel mentioned in my last post, and branches in the daytime area - and a shut-away assumedly nighttime roosting area behind the shed wall to the right.

That brings me to the close of my Chichester pictures.

Back home, a few items of interest caught my camera's attention in early-mid March. The first being the returned residents Ditty and partner. I see them most days again now the seasons are turning to Spring. Where they are/will nest I do not know, but they hang out in my tree, eat seed in the sill, munch on the table and ground under the feeders, and are quite a regular sight once more.

Also on view, though not recently on camera, are a PAIR of wrens. Yes, not just one, but two of them! They flitter and munch on the rose arch, under the feeder, around the pond, in the hedges. We have at least two blue-tits hanging out the yard also - one was at the suet balls while the other sat on the nut feeder and chewed a couple of peanuts this morning.


  1. They'll probably nest in your yard. It's the friendliest place with the best food. It's like a B&B for birds. :D

  2. yes, we had some bluetits sighted this very week 'using it'...think they have eggs/hatched young already....
