Sunday, November 6, 2016


Well, after all the swans and tits, a pigeon is called for! Here is one of the show pigeons from the cafe roof nibbling away with a jackdaw under a duck-feeding station.

Another board offers information to relieve regular readers of my continuous pictures of swans and pigeons. We do not seem to have bullfinches at home, though I might once have spotted one shortly after arriving back in the country after 22 years in Australia. I was not very aware of British bird species at the time, however, so it is hard for me to tell.

This info board might have been shown before - but in the shot you can see the living example of magpie geese on the island at the rear. In the close up you can see that like the swans, much preening and wing-flapping is going on.

It was time for coffee at the cafe. At first, I did not think I would see the all-white show pigeon on this trip, but once some visitors began throwing feed down, there he was! A beautiful ending shot for my Mid-October visit to Arundel.

Back home, and as October passes the midway border, I spotted a goldfinch munching niger seed.


  1. That's a great shot of the show pigeon. I like how the sidewalk (or whatever it is) just kind of slopes down into the water.

  2. well its the edge of the feeding platform - people can buy a handful of duck-food for 25p, (i think, unless its gone up in price now), and scatter it about and the birds come and munch it...
